G4231 | πραγματεύομαι | |||||
原文音譯:pragmateu'omai 對等譯字:PRACTICE 文法分類:動詞 出現次數:1 出現經節:路 19:13 和合本譯字及次數 作生意 字義及字源追溯 (4229=事)(4238*=實行) to busy oneself with, to trade (4229=a deed)(4238=to practise*) | pragmateuomai prag-mat-yoo'-om-ahee from 4229; TDNT - 6:641,927; v AV - occupy 1; 1 1) to be occupied in anything 2) to carry on a business 3) to carry on the business of a banker or a trader |